
Have any Questions?

We're here to help. If you have any questions or concerns that have not already been answered on the FAQ below, then please reach out to us and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

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Frequently Asked

What services do you offer? Do you offer group classes? 

We only offer one-on-one sessions. Unlike other methods, Functional Patterns is meant to be highly individualized to your specific imbalances - this allows us to apply the corrective techniques precisely to make drastic changes to your body.

Our in-person sessions are conducted in our studio in Orange County. For people who are not local to the Orange County area, we do offer one-on-one online sessions via Zoom or Facetime.

Are there any prerequisites prior to training one-on-one sessions?

We highly recommend that you either complete the Functional Patterns 10-Week Online Course prior to starting your one-on-one training sessions or go through it simultaneously while starting your training sessions. While it is not mandatory prior to starting your training, it educates you on foundational concepts that you’ll be utilizing throughout your FP journey and enables you to get more out of your training sessions. Clients who have gone through the 10-Week Course get better results than those who haven’t. 

Note that in times when we’re fully booked with a waitlist, we will prioritize training first the people on the waitlist who have purchased the 10-Week course over those who haven’t.

Who is Functional Patterns meant for?

Functional Patterns has proven to be effective across a wide variety of demographics. Regardless of your age, gender, athletic background, or injury history, FP techniques are fundamentally designed to optimize you as a HUMAN BEING.

Functional Patterns practitioners across the world have produced drastic results with clients with neurodegenerative disorders, scoliosis, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, full joint replacements, and much more. While we don’t guarantee results for your unique situation, we are confident that your quality of life can be improved by optimizing the four fundamental movement patterns - standing, walking, running, and throwing. When you improve these functions, everything else tends to improve as well.

What makes Functional Patterns different from other methods?

The root cause of your imbalances, injuries, and dysfunctions can almost always be traced back to poor biomechanics. These faulty movement patterns lead to too much tension in undesired areas and a lack of tension in the right areas. While other methods look to treat the symptoms of your pain and injuries for short-term relief, Functional Patterns gets to the source in order to eliminate your pain for good.

We treat the body how it's meant to function - as one interconnected unit. We account for more variables in your movement with a much greater degree of precision than other methods. This is why Functional Patterns practitioners across the world have been able to produce remarkable results on people from all walks of life regardless of age, gender, background, or athletic capability. Don’t take our word for it - check out the thousands of before and after results on the Functional Patterns website and Instagram pages.

Will Functional Patterns help me improve strength and fitness or is it only appropriate for people who are injured or need corrective exercise? 

Functional Patterns is not only one of the most proven methods for rehabilitating people who are in pain or injured, but it is also a highly effective protocol to improve strength, fitness, and athleticism simultaneously. Both regular people and professional athletes alike have utilized Functional Patterns to get in the best physical shape of their life. Two examples of world-class athletes who have used Functional Patterns as their primary strength and conditioning regimen are MMA world champion Johnny Eblen and Olympic wrestler Kyle Dake. 

The neat thing about training Functional Patterns is that regardless of your specific goal, all the training we do improves multiple physical qualities simultaneously (strength, stability, fat loss, muscular endurance, etc). Our method blends rehab and strength training in one to save you time and kill two birds with one stone. 

How many times a week do I need to train in-person sessions? 

Our clients who have gotten the best results train hourly 1-on-1 sessions with a practitioner anywhere from 1-3 times a week. The frequency will vary depending on your current physical state, goals, and schedule to make it work for you. In addition to the in-person sessions, we will assign techniques for you to practice on your own - this work you do on your own is essential for making progress. We are here to guide you, but you are ultimately the one who is responsible for your own health and wellness.

What equipment will I need to practice the workouts on my own?

The great news is that Functional Patterns requires very minimal equipment compared to other workout programs. You can practice the workouts in any commercial gym or simply purchase cheap, easily-obtainable tools to practice at home without needing to go to the gym at all! The tools required include:

  • Resistance Bands or Pulley Machine 
  • Light Dumbbells 
  • Mirror (for monitoring your form)
  • Self Myofascial Release Tools (Theracane, Lacrosse Ball, Soft Medicine Ball)